Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 12, 2024 - Chicago

Location: Pizzeria Serio
Categories: Lenny & Carl, U.S. Presidents
Episodes: Another Simpsons Clip Show, When Flanders Failed, Lisa the Skeptic
Winner: Why Would Anyone Want to Touch This Team's Butt? That's Where Cooties Come From! 

1. The Neil Arsenty Story! Booze, Drugs, Lies, Blackmail, and Trivia! Starring Fyvush Finkel as Neil Arsenty, 47 pts
2. I Wanted to Surprise You with a Kinky Summer Team Name!, 46 pts
3. We Love Trivia More than a Cold Beer on a Hot Christmas Morning, 45.5 pts
4. "What's the Matter, J.D.? Cummerbund Too Tight?" "I Miss My Couch", 42.5 pts
5. And Since I'd Achieved All of My Goals at Simpsons Trivia in 1 Term, There Was No Need for a 2nd. Good Team Name. Good, Not Great, 41 pts
5. Whenever Elyse is Not at Simpsons Trivia, Everyone Should Ask "Where's Elyse?", 41 pts
7. I Won't Bore You with the Details of Our Miraculous Escape but We Desperately Need a Real Team Name, 40.5 pts
8. Hey Pal, That’s Our Team Up There Next to the Pepper Steak and Don't You Forget It, 40 pts
9. P is for Psycho, 39.5 pts
10. And That Little Boy Whom Nobody Liked Grew Up to Be... JD Vance. And Now You Know the Rest of the Story, 39 pts
11. Do You Wanna See Trivia or Do You Wanna See Me Sock a Few Dingers?, 38 pts
12. Wadded Beef, 34.5 pts
13. Christ Punchers, 34 pts
13. Mmm... That's Good Billy, 34 pts
15. Even Though We're Officially Required to Hate You, We Do Not Feel It in Our Hearts, 33.5 pts
15. The Courageous French Pole Vaulter Who Made a Perfect Dismount on What was Later Revealed to Be a Broken Penis, 33.5 pts
17. Team Discovery Channel, 33 pts
18. You Remember Trivia? It's Back, in Pog Form, 32.5 pts
19. Super Nintendo Chalmers, 31 pts
20. Daddi Rabbi Blues, 26.5 pts
21. We're the Team that Made Steve Guttenberg a Star, 25 pts
22. Live, Laugh, Lowenstein... Lowenstein, 24.5 pts
23. So, Basically, We Met One Nice French Person, 15 pts
24. Bake 'Em Away, Toys, 14.5 pts
25. Grandpa's Little Helpers (Which One of Us is the Mailman?), 9 pts

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