Friday, March 29, 2024

WooHoo! Classic Simpsons Trivia Toronto - March Editions


The Dive Shop

CATEGORIES : Hans Moleman, Alcohol

EPISODES : Bart the Daredevil, The Homer They Fall, Homer Vs The Eighteenth Amendment

WINNERS : The Lousy Blintzes

**Does your team's score seem low? Don't blame the Bear Tax! You may have forgotten to hand in all your team sheets, changed your name half way through the night or forgotten to email in your final scores! Remember to hand them in at the end of each round or notify us if you've changed your name!**

1. The Lousy Blintzes - 46 PTS

2. All This Drinking, Violence and Destruction of Property Are These the Things We Think of When We Think of Matt Smith - 45.5 PTS

3. Secretaries of Partying Down - 41.5 PTS

4. Ja Ja Ja, Mach Schell Mit De Questions, Huh? We Must Get Back To De Dive Shop In Time to See De WooHoo! Simpsons Trivia - 39.5 PTS

5. Lovematic Grampas - 36 PTS

6. Moochin' War Widows - 34.5 PTS

7. What Is It With Us and Failure? - 33.5 PTS

8. Zie Goggles Do Nothing aka Ruh Roh - 5 PTS


Sunday, March 3, 2024

WooHoo! Classic Simpsons Trivia Toronto - February Editions


LOCATION : The Dive Shop

CATEGORIES : Bumblebee Man, Matt Smith Round of Mystery!(Tennis Terms)

EPISODES : I Love Lisa, El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer(The Mysterious Journey of Our Homer), New Kid on the Block

WINNERS : We Quit Our Tutoring Jobs and Joined a Violence Gang

**Does your team's score seem low? Don't blame the Bear Tax! You may have forgotten to hand in all your team sheets, changed your name half way through the night or forgotten to email in your final scores! Remember to hand them in at the end of each round or notify us if you've changed your name!**

1. We Quit Our Tutoring Jobs and Joined a Violence Gang - 48 pts

2. We Need To Cook Up A New Simpsons Trivia Team Name For Valentine's Day, Something Warm and Fuzzy Like " Happy Love Day" But Not So Lame - 43.5 pts

3. We've Learned That Trivia is One Crushing Defeat After Another Until You Just Wish Matt Smith was Dead - 41.5 pts

4. How Frightfully Rude! I Certainly Hope Somebody Stabs This Team in the Eye - 41 pts

5. The Galloping Gazelles - 37 pts

6. Moochin' War Widows - 33 pts

7. Don't You Hate Pants?! - 25 pts

8. The Team That Lives Above a Bowling Alley and Below Another Bowling Alley - 22 pts