Sunday, November 11, 2018

November 10, 2018 - Calgary

Location:  Dickens Pub
Episodes: Secrets of a successful marriage, the Springfield connection, Grade School Confidential
Winner: And now, Jess, Pete, Sam and Chris with a brand new support band, bringing their #2 trivia team "Born to runner Up"
Winner(s) Best Team NamePat Summerall and John Madden's Simpsons trivia play by play

1.  And now, Jess, Pete, Sam and Chris with a brand new support bad, bringing their #2 trivia team "Born to runner up" 45
2.  The Simpsons trivia of the future will not be held at Dickens, or at sea. It will be in space! Or possibly on the roof of a very tall bar. In any case most of the actual questions will be answered by small robots and as you go forth today remember always your duty is clear: To build and get drunk with those robots! 44.5

3.  Union rule 26: Every team must win Simpsons trivia at least once regardless of gross incompetence, obesity or rank odor 44
4.  Popli Kids 43
5.  Good evening everyone and welcome to a wonderful evening of trivia and picking up after yourselves 43
6.  Ah there's nothing more exciting than Simpsons trivia. You get all the fun of sitting still, being quiet, writing down answers, paying attention. Simpsons trivia has it all! 34
7.  Bo's Cavern 31
8.  They're only using you for your trivia knowledge. Shut up brain! I've got friends now I don't need you anymore 27
9.  Team discovery channel! 26
10. Pat Summerall and John Madden's Simpsons trivia play by play 3

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