Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 15, 2017 - CALGARY

Location: Dickens Pub
Episodes: Lisa the Iconoclast, Homer the Smithers, Bart on the Road
Categories: Patty & Selma, What is that you say? Vol. 2
Winner: Adam and Ezra, Every second until we meet atabs me like a thousand needles. Join me at Dickens Pub this Saturdat at 5. Perhaps later we will smooch up a storm. Sexily yours, Woody

1. Adam and Ezra, Every second until we meet atabs me like a thousand needles. Join me at Dickens Pub this Saturdat at 5. Perhaps later we will smooch up a storm. Sexily yours, Woody, 47.5
2. Something said, not good, don’t yell at Homer! No, that’s okay. Slow, he called you slow! How dare you call me slow? Are you still here Homer? You really are slow. Something said, not good., 46
2. Agents Mulder and Scully, FBI, 46
4. I thought I recognized you! I gave you a pint of Sprinklebräu back in 1947 to paint Dickens Pub and you never did it!, 44.5
5. Alright, you listen up you little FREAKS the fun stops here! You’re gonna shut your stinkin’ traps and behave damnit! This is one trivia team you’re not gonna SCREW with! TABLE 207., 44
6. Comrades, it is imperative that we crush the freedom fighters before the start of the rainy season. And remember, a shiny new donkey for whomever brings me the head of Colonel Montoya… What’s that? Oh, I mean, we’re Team Discovery Channel., 43.5
7. People of Dickens - Simpsons Trivia is a sham! It was started in 2015 by Adam as an excuse to beat up on Ezra., 38
8. We are the Terminizer: An Erotic Thriller! A team name about a killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason. This robot, he’s got a heartbreaking decision to make about which Simpsons Trivia host lives… or dies!, 35.5
9. Monahan, knock him down if he gets in your way! Johnny, Johnny, go for the face! Ryan Kesler lost his shin guard! Hack the bone! Hack the bone!, 35
10. We want Chilly Willy!, 35
11. Welcome to Simpsons Trivia where nothing can possibli go wrong! Possibly go wrong… that’s the first thing that’s gone wrong…, 34.5
12. Our team name is Agnes. It means lamb, lamb of god., 33
13. Losin' at trivia? Oh, you better believe that a paddlin’!, 29
14. Go out of a Saturday? Who am I, Charlie Sheen?, 28
15. Sideshow Bobs, 4

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