Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February 10, 2025 - Chicago

Location: Pizzeria Serio
Categories: Moe Szyslak, Video Games
Episodes: Lisa the Greek, I Love Lisa
I Didn't Think He Was Going to Diss Drake, But Then--BAM!--Second Encore!

1. I Didn't Think He Was Going to Diss Drake, But Then--BAM!--Second Encore!, 46.5 pts
2. The Team that Had Celibacy Thrust Upon It, 45.5 pts
3. Oh, You Know, the Host and His Boy. The Boy's Name is Owen. The Man... I Don't Know the Name of the Man, 42.5 pts
4. Nucular Submarine, 39 pts
5. Insulting Me? That's a Tariff. Asking Me Not to Treat Your Citizens Like Garbage? That's a Tariff. Imposing Reciprocal Tariffs? Oh, You Better Believe That's a Tariff, 38 pts
5. Team is Hatless, Repeat Hatless, 38 pts
7. Junk in the Tunk, 37 pts
8. I'll Take That Communist Card, Too, 36.5 pts
9. The Doodletown Pipers, 35.5 pts
9. The Law-Talkin' Guys, 35.5 pts
11. A Bunch of Fickle Mushheads, 34.5 pts
11. USA A-OK or Cesspool on the Potomac (Cesspool! Cesspool!), 34.5 pts
13. The Thompsons, 33 pts
14. Drake's Response: "Morals and Ethics and Carnal Forbearance...", 32.5 pts
15. Some of Your Chair Moisteners from Sector 7-G, 31.5 pts
16. And Since We'd Achieved our Goals as a Trivia Team in One Round, There Was No Need for a Second, 31 pts
16. The Dogs with Bees in their Mouths, 31 pts
18. Not a Quarter! Darrrrrgh, He'll Be Reading Trivia Team Names for Hours!, 28 pts
18. Taxes? Isn't This the Line for Metallica?, 28 pts
20. Keep the Pig. How Many Flights to Instanbul Do I Get?, 26.5 pts
21. A Couple of Rory Calhouns, 24.5 pts
22. Inanimate Carbon Rods, 23.5 pts
23. The Erotic Awakening of S, 23 pts
24. Tell Neil We're Going to the Back Seat of Our Car With the Trivia Team I Love, and We Won't Be Back for 10 Minutes!, 20
25. Benevenstanciano, 18 pts
26. Who Pumped Ethyl?, 16 pts
27. Bort's Opus, 7 pts

Sunday, January 26, 2025

WooHoo! Classic Simpsons Trivia Toronto - January Edition x 2


LOCATION : The Dive Shop

CATEGORIES : Reverend Lovejoy, Real World Products

EPISODES : Homer Goes To College, Marge on the Lam, Bart After Dark

WINNERS : One, Matt Smith Needs to be Louder, Angrier, and Have Access to a Time Machine. Two, Whenever Matt Smith's Not at Trivia, Everyone Should be Asking, "Where's Matt Smith?"

**Does your team's score seem low? Don't blame the Bear Tax! You may have forgotten to hand in all your team sheets, changed your name half way through the night or forgotten to email in your final scores! Remember to hand them in at the end of each round or notify us if you've changed your name!**

1. One, Matt Smith Needs to be Louder, Angrier, and Have Access to a Time Machine. Two, Whenever Matt Smith's Not at Trivia, Everyone Should Be Asking, "Where's Matt Smith?" - 47 pts

2. Viceroy Fizzlebottom: A Hearty Cherub of a Trivia Team - 46.5 pts

3. The Team That Was Called "Distasteful and Purile" by a Panel of HIllbillies - 44.5 pts

4. The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Soft Shoe Society - 43.5 pts

5. The Lovematic Grampas - 36.5 pts

6. Crudely Drawn Filler Material - 33.5 pts