Saturday, May 25, 2024

WooHoo! Classic Simpsons Trivia Toronto - May Editions

LOCATION : The Dive Shop

CATEGORIES : Lionel Hutz, Tourist Attractions

EPISODES : Grade School Confidential, Bart Gets Famous, Simpsons Spin Off Showcase

WINNERS : Kwik E Mart Gougers: We Have More Trivia Trophys Than Wayne Gretzky And The Pope Combined

**Does your team's score seem low? Don't blame the Bear Tax! You may have forgotten to hand in all your team sheets, changed your name half way through the night or forgotten to email in your final scores! Remember to hand them in at the end of each round or notify us if you've changed your name!**

1. Kwik E Mart Gougers: We Have More Trivia Trophys Than Wayne Gretzky And The Pope Combined - 44.5 pts

2. The Lousy Blintzes - 43.5 pts

2. And The Number One Reference This Team Is Running Into The Ground Is......Matt Smith - 43.5 pts

4. People Who Look Like Things - 42 pts

5. One Of Our Team Members Is A Cannibal. Try To Guess Which One! I Think You'll Be Pleasantly Surprised - 41 pts

6, Call Us Mr. Devereaux - 38.5 pts

7. Flowers By Irene - 34.5 pts

8. Moochin' War Widows - 33 pts

9. The Wealthy Gadabouts - 24.5 pts

Friday, May 24, 2024

May 20, 2024 - Chicago

Location: Pizzeria Serio
Categories: Martin Prince, Monkeys
Episodes: So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show, Two Cars in Every Garage, Three Eyes on Every Fish
Winner: Why Would Anyone Want to Touch This Team's Butt? That's Where Cooties Come From!

1. Why Would Anyone Want to Touch This Team's Butt? That's Where Cooties Come From! 47 pts
2. Bill Oakley Came Back? Bill Oakley Never Left. And I am Starting to Think His Mind is No Longer in Mint Condition, 46 pts
3. Sex Cauldron, 42 pts
4. They Were Drunk, Rude to the Hosts, and Cheated on Nearly Every Question, But Still, There Goes the Best Damn Trivia Team I Ever Saw, 40.5 pts
5. Even As We Speak, Ayatollah Razmara and His Cadre of Fanatics are Consolidating Their Power!, 39.5 pts
6. Trivia Teams Need to Learn About Tek War Sooner or Later, 39 pts
7. Mr. Kookalamanza and Some Real Ugly Kid, 38.5 pts
7. Something Along the Line of Poochie, Only More Proactive, 38.5 pts
7. Wow, Look at That Team! They Don't Need a Clever Name or Even Correct Spelling!, 38.5 pts
10. Writhing Funzos On This Team Makes Neil Happy Makes Him Want to Scream, 37.5 pts
11. The Merciless Peppers of Quetzalacatenango, 37 pts
12. The Team Has the Eye of the Tiger and the Mouth of a Teamster, 35 pts
13. Hired Goons, 32 pts
13. South American Sensations Xoxchitla, 32 pts
13. Trivia Team L? But they Smell! (Yes, We've All Heard the Chant), 32 pts
16. Armin Tamzarian's Reign of Terror, 31.5 pts
17. Can I Borrow an Answer?, 30 pts
17. But Marge, It Works on Any Ayatollah! Ayatollah Nakhbadeh, Ayatollah Zahedi. Even As We Speak, Ayatollah Razmara and His Cadre of Fanatics are Consolidating Their Power!, 30 pts
19. We're Lenny. That's Carl and Homer. We're Lenny, 29 pts
20. Creamed Eels, 22.5 pts
20. I Brought this Team from Home, 22.5 pts
22. The Leg Up Program, 21 pts
23. We Can't Afford to Play Trivia at Any Restaurant That Has a Philosophy, 20.5 pts
24. The Jewish Cowboys, 19.5 pts
25. Die Trivia, Die (It's German), 18.5 pts
26. 16,000 Boxes of Unsold Wigs, 17.5 pts
27. The Blurst of Times, 16.5 pts
28. Mapple Brainiac Bar, 15 pts
29. The Be Sharps, 15 pts
30. Cease Tire Fire Now, 11.5 pts
31. The Inanimate Carbon Rods, 7.5 pts
32. The Dental Plan, 3 pts