Sunday, January 19, 2020

January 18th , 2020 - Calgary

Location : Dickens PubCategories : Snake, My Face When
Best Team Name: The team that’s always sitting and drinking and spilling
Episodes : Mother Simpson, The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochy Show, Homer vs Patty & Selma
Winners: A certain agitator, lets call him Joey Jo Jo Jr S. No that’s too obvious. Let’s say JJJJ Shabadoo
  1. A certain agitator, lets call him Joey Jo Jo Jr S. No that’s too obvious. Let’s say JJJJ Shabadoo 48
  2. Budget college pep squad, now by popular demand with 50% less pep 47
  3. The Popli Kids 46
  4. I’ve spent the last 3 hours at Simpsons trivia. Forced to subsist on a thin memory made of 3-eyed fish, 3 pound of frozen shrimp, coconut milk and four episodes of treehouse of horror. I went nearly mad trying to think of answers but we just couldn’t get the questions right 43.5
  5. What are those clowns at Simpsons trivia up to now? What a bunch of clowns 43.5
  6. Why must you turn this pub into a house of lives? 42
  7. The people at Simpsons trivia are NOT geeks... 44
  8. Little Rudigers 41.5
  9. The team that’s always sitting and drinking and spilling 40
  10. Can’t we have one trivia night that doesn’t end in us digging up a corps? 39.5
  11. Lester and Eliza 39.5
  12. The birds and the bees who are trying to have sex with them... as is my understanding 38.5
  13. Homersexual 28.5
  14. Dignity 24.5

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