August 17th, 2019 - Calgary
Location: Dickens Pub
Categories: McBain, Guess Who
Winner: So this place Dickens... is this some sort of establishment? Don't say you were at a bar - but what else is open? It's a pornography store. I was buying pornography.
1. So this place Dickens... is this some sort of establishment? Don't say you were at a bar - but what else is open? It's a pornography store. I was buying pornography. 47
2. I used to be good at Simpsons trivia, then they changed what trivia was. Now what I am good at isn't trivia and what trivia is weird and scary to me. And it'll happen to you! 45
3. I am just saying that when we die there'll be a planet for the Adams and a planet for the Shayas and we'll all be a lot happier 45
4. We are table 205. I am ham because I enjoy ham radio. This is cosine, report card, database and Alex. your nickname will be cosmos! 44
5. Family, Religion, Friendship. These are the 3 demons you must slay if you wish to succeed at Simpsons trivia. 40
6. The Bovine University Graduates 36
7. They used to call me kid gorgeous. Later on it was kid presentable. Then kid gruesome and finally kid trivia. 32