Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 26, 2013 - Chicago

Location: The Irish Oak
 Homie the Clown, Mountain of Madness, A Fish Called Selma
Krusty the Clown, Grampa's Stories
 P is for Psycho

Final Standings:
1. P is for Psycho, 46.5 pts
2. The Damn Hell Ass Kings, 46 pts
3. The Original Alfalfas, 44 pts
3. Leader Beans, 44 pts
5. Burnsy, 43.5 pts
6. We're Macys, You're Gimbels, 43 pts
7. Those Egg Council Creeps, 41.5 pts
8. Master Knows All Except Combination to Safe, 40.5 pts
9. Worker and Parasite, 39.5 pts
9. Someone's Attractive Cousin, 39.5 pts
9. The Blurst of Teams, 39.5 pts
12. Perfectly Cromulent, 35.5 pts
12. Mayor Quimby for Mayor Mayoral Committee, 35.5 pts
14. The Christ Punchers, 35 pts
15. Osaka Seafood Concern, 34 pts
16. I'm Dick Tracy, Take That Prune Face. Now I'm Prune Face, Take That Dick Tracy. Now I'm Prune Tracy, Take That Di..., 33 pts
17. Team Discovery Channel, 32.5 pts
17. Team Family Guy Is Here for Simpsons Trivia, 32.5 pts
17. Steamed Hams, 32.5 pts
20. University of Minnesota Spankalogical Protocol, 31 pts
21. The Crazy Old Man Singers, 28.5 pts
22. Football to the Groening, 28 pts
23. No, Money Down!, 27.5 pts
24. Jeremy's Iron, 25 pts
24. No Deal, McCutcheon, 25 pts
26. Larva Girl, 23.5 pts
27. Super Nintendo Chalmers, 21 pts
28. Damn Hell Ass Kings (2), 20 pts
29. RDRR, 19 pts
30. Klav Kalash, 18.5 pts
30. Can I Borrow a Feeling?, 18.5 pts
30. I'm So Hungry, I Could Eat at Arby's, 18.5 pts
Professor P. J. Cornucopia's Fantastic Foodmagorium and Great American Steakery, 18.5 pts
34. Team Discovery Channel CHA, 16.5 pts
35. Pray for Mojo (or the Suckiest Bunch of Sucks that Ever Sucked), 15 pts
36. Up and At Them, 13 pts
37. The Tomacco Harvesters, 10.5 pts

March 24, 2013 - Pittsburgh

Location: Hambone's
Episodes: Cape Feare, Lisa On Ice, I Love Lisa
Categories: Mr. Burns
Winner: The Popes of Chilitown

Final Standings:
1. The Popes Of Chilitown, 46 pts
2. The Name Of This Team Is Fries, 45 pts
3. Team Discovery Channel (back), 44.5 pts
4. Frying Dutchmen, 44 pts
5. Team Discovery Channel (front), 40 pts
6. Bovine University, 36 pts
7. The Dondelingers, 34 pts
8. Team Shabadoo, 28.5 pts
9. Tram Has Soft And Feminine Hands, 13 pts

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 12, 2013 - Toronto

Location: Cadillac Lounge
Episodes: The Last Temptation of Krusty, Homer Badman, The Cartridge Family
Categories: Agnes Skinner, Bars & Lounges
Winner: We'll Be Back (door slam) Pro-Probably

Final Standings:
1. We'll Be Back (door slam) Pro-Probably, 49.5 pts
2. Starland Vocal Band (We Suck!), 48.5 pts
3. Ethnic Mismatched Trivia Team #644, 46.5 pts
4. Sex Cauldron, 45.5 pts
4. We Tried Nothin' And We're All Out Of Ideas, 45.5 pts
6. These Tar Fumes Are Making Me Dizzy, 45 pts
7. Our Team Has Gotta Improvise...Cloves, Tom Collins Mix, Frozen Pie Crust, 43 pts
8. Team Plain And Tall, 42.5 pts
9. Sexy Broad, Gangster Octopus, 42 pts
10. MENDOZAAAAAA!!!, 41.5 pts
11. Gil's Wall From Home, 40.5 pts
11. Ironic Punishment Division, A Division of Hell Labs, 40.5 pts
13. An Anonymous Clan of Slack Jawed Troglodytes, 40 pts
13. Ohhh...My Ovaries, 40 pts
15. No Deer For A Month, 39 pts
15. The Team That Ate All The Tarragon, And Drank All The Soy Sauce, 39 pts
17. Stupider Like A Fox, 38 pts
18. Put It In H, 37 pts
18. You Too Shushy!, 37 pts
20. Hail To The Chimp, 36 pts
21. Bart's People, 35.5 pts
21. Guts and Black Stuff and About 50 Slim Jims, 35.5 pts
23. Ann Landers Is A Boring Old Biddy, 34.5 pts
24. Let Arby's Worry About It, 33.5 pts
25. Winxxx, 33 pts
26. Nine Flabby Grapes, 32 pts
27. Eat Up Martha, 31.5 pts
27. Now Our Pants Are Chafing Us, 31.5 pts
29. Project Arcturus, 31 pts
30. The Lincoln Squirrels (Have Been Shot), 30.5 pts
31. Judging By Our Song, This Trivia Team Is Infatuated With A Woman Named Mindy. Or A Man Named Andy, 30 pts
31. This Enormous Woman Will Devour Us All, 30 pts
33. The League Of Uninformed Voters, 29.5 pts
34. Ne Pas De Boys, 28.5 pts
35. Shelterinies, 28 pts
36. In Your Face, Space Coyote, 27.5 pts
36. There's Very Little Meat In This Trivia Team, 27.5 pts
38. Use Your Main Finger, Turn The Middle Side Top Wise, 27 pts
39. The Paddling Of The Swollen Ass, 26.5 pts
40. The Krustovski/Brockelstein Jewish Alliance, 26 pts
41. El Borto, 25 pts
41. Kwik-E-Smarts, 25 pts
43. Don't You Hate Pants?, 24.5 pts
43. Non-Union Mexican Equivalents, 24.5 pts
45. Compuglobalhypermeganet, 22 pts
45. Team Professor Know-It-All, 22 pts
47. Vapour Lock, 21.5 pts
48. The Thompsons, 20.5 pts
49. Team Leftorium, 17.5 pts
49. The Unmistakeable Cone of Ignorance, 17.5 pts
51. The Leg-Up Program, 12.5 pts
52. Starland Vocal Band, 12 pts
53. Project Arcturus II, 7.5 pts
54. Irish-American Invasion, 3.5 pts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 7, 2013 - Brooklyn

Location: Berry Park
Episodes: Duffless, Mr. Plow, Bart Gets An Elephant
Categories: Rod & Todd Flanders, America!
Winner: What Does Sequestered Mean?

Final Standings:
1. What Does Sequestered Mean?, 47.5 pts
2. The Makeout Kings of Montana, 45 pts
3. The Only Foundation Repair Guys In Town, 43 pts
3. Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, 43 pts
3. *Hoverbike Sound*, 43 pts
6. The New Shebangs Featuring Big Timmy, 42 pts
7. Peepee-Soaked Heck-Hole, 41 pts
7. If It's Clear And Yella, You Got Juice There Fella; If It's Tangy And Brown, You're In Cider Town, And In Canada The Whole Thing's Flip-Flopped, 41 pts
9. The Horrible Freaks With Pink Skin, No Overbite and Five Fingers On Each Hand, 40.5 pts
10. The Quiet Religious Guys Who End Up Going Crazy, 39.5 pts
10. The Prussian Consulate In Siam, 39.5 pts
12. Rich Uncle Skeleton, 38.5 pts
12. The Team Next To The Team That Really Liked The Speedo Man, 38.5 pts
14. The Team That Has A Case of The California Munchies, 37.5 pts
15. Simpsons Trivia Started As An Excuse To Beat Up The Irish, 37 pts
16. Kids Presentable, 36.5 pts
16. Works On Contingency? No, Money Down!, 36.5 pts
18. Moe Syzlak Experience Featuring Homer, 33.5 pts
19. The Durable Outercasing To Prevent Fallapart, 32 pts
20. You Know Those Guitars That Are, Like, Double Guitars, 30.5 pts
21. Team Discovery Channel, 29.5 pts
21. Local Man Loses Pants, Life, 29.5 pts
23. More Testicles Mean More Iron, 29 pts
23. The Monkey Butlers, 29 pts
25. The Christ Punchers, 28.5 pts
26. Joey Joe Joe Junior Shabbadoo, 28 pts
27. Bear Patrol, 27.5 pts
28. Everything's Coming Up Milhouse, 27 pts
29. Glower Power, 25 pts
30. A Jet-Powered Monkey-Navigated...And It Goes On Like This, 24 pts
31. Kitten Mittens, 23.5 pts
32. Yvan Eht Nioj, 13 pts
33. Los Senors Ding-Dong, 10.5 pts